Lifespan Integration Therapy (LI) is agentry body-mind therapy that uses a timeline of memory cues to help prove to the client that past traumas are over. LI updates the body mind system to the here and now, and opens up new possibilities in how to approach life.
On the Level 1 training, you will learn key LI protocols to use with clients straightaway, including trauma clearing protocols.
Dates: 2nd/3rd March 2024
Venue: New Road Psychotherapy Centre, Hove
Don’t miss the early bird price of £490 If you register before 5th January 2024
Please contact for further information or see here to register for the training
Clients say “I have a strong sense of place and I now I have the right to be here and to be alive. There is a sense of entitlement I have never felt or considered before. I m here and I have the right to be”
Comments from recent training participant: “LI works! It is a powerful modality that quickly gets results that are long-lasting, without re-trumatising. It is brilliant!!'“