Smiling woman with shoulder-length brown hair and wearing a black top against a neutral background.

Shirley Moore - Integrative Psychotherapist 

About Shirley

Shirley is an Integrative Psychotherapist, which means that rather than being guided by only one approach, she builds her work around the needs of each of her clients. 

She draws particularly on humanistic approaches which appreciate the creativity which can lie behind many of our difficulties. Her influences include coherence therapy, gestalt, sensorimotor therapy, mindfulness and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) as well as the neuroscience of human motivation, stress management and change. 

Shirley works with adult individuals both short and long term, offering a safe, warm and confidential environment in which to explore their experience with interest and compassion, believing that each of us already has the answers. It’s just that sometimes we need a helping hand to unearth them and appreciate our own wisdom and creativity. 

She has particular experience and interest in:

 Trauma and post-traumatic stress

 Anxiety

 Panic attacks and phobias

 Depression

 Eating disorders

 Relationship problems

Previous experience

Some of Shirley’s previous work has been with organisations supporting victims of serious crime, survivors of domestic abuse, people who are suicidal and those experiencing complex mental health issues. She also has many years’ experience working in professional services, including coaching and mentoring individuals and teams and delivering mindfulness training. 


 Shirley has an MSc in Integrative Psychotherapy from Middlesex University, a Post Graduate Clinical Diploma in Integrative Psychotherapy from the Metanoia Institute and is also a qualified coach. She is registered with both the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) and British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) whose codes of ethics she abides by.

Professional Title: Integrative Psychotherapist

Location:  New Road Psychotherapy Centre

Membership:  United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP)

Fee:  £65